SkyTemple is an open source ROM modification tool for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
This project is hosted on GitHub, developed in Python and depends on the interface design tool Glade. Since I have a strong attachment to this game and since I wanted to learn how to use these technologies, I contributed to this project.
As this project was quite young, there were many areas for improvement.
From the issues listed on the repository, I chose this one :
I had to go through the process of understanding several key parts of the code to add this functionality, including the function to write the new data to the ROM, I communicated with other contributors to the project to assimilate some of the principles of the application. I also had to modify the UI with Glade to add the required buttons and link them to the code.
The finished feature looked like this, my pull-request was accepted after a graphical modification by the main project developers.